lost in translation (screen shot)
keep art alive; film by sofia coppola
"to vanish into oblivion,
is easy to do.
and i try to be,
but you know me,
i come back when you want me to."
miss misery (cover) ~ lex land
miss misery (live, video) ~ elliott smith
miss misery (video) ~ elliott smith
there are moments in a life that stick with us for just that - life. they imprint hours and ideas and visual cues on our skin and we go on living, forever carrying the haze and tint of those memories.
when one of those moments is shared with someone else, the someone else who becomes part of those memories we carry, then the memory also becomes a sense of missing, and of longing. even if we do not remember the same way, we may miss each other similarily.
maybe on days when the heat is unbearable and a song comes on that you'd nearly forgotten, maybe on those days we stop and remember, and wish we could just disappear into that somewhere, vanish into the memory itself, and be reunited with that someone we miss.
"i don't want to leave." ~ bob
"so don't. stay here with me. we'll start a jazz band." ~ charlotte
~ lost in translation
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